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10 High Paying Freelance Jobs

What are some freelance jobs with high pay?

Well, freelance workers or so-called freelancers are often underestimated because the salary is not greater than a regular job.

However, do you know?

In fact, there are some freelance jobs that offer high salaries, you know. In addition, a freelance work system that can be done remotely is an advantage for someone who doesn't like working without having to come to the office.

So, what are the freelance jobs with high salaries?

What is Freelance?

Freelance is a term for someone who works, but the working time is flexible. Unlike full-time workers who have to work for 8 hours a day and scheduled working hours.

In addition, a freelancer is not bound by a long-term contract with a company, but still has a working bond with the client in accordance with the agreement which can be in the form of a project, design, processing time, and fees charged.

Then, how much does a freelancer earn?

A freelancer's income varies greatly, it can depend on the difficulty of the project or flying hours.

Freelance Jobs with High Salaries

Currently, work as a freelance is starting to be looked at by many people because it has prospects and income that is not inferior to working full-time.

Launching from Katadata, here are the top 10 global freelance jobs with the highest average salary.

Is there a field you are good at?

1. Public Relations Manager

The PR manager is responsible for maintaining the company's image in the eyes of consumers.

Starting from writing and distributing press releases, collaborating with the media, to monitoring, recording and evaluating consumer criticism and suggestions.

Entering as a freelance job with a high salary, the average income of a freelance public relations manager can reach $ 52 per hour.

2. Account Executive

Love meeting new people? If so, this freelance job with a high salary is suitable for you.

An account executive is responsible for finding new clients, by conducting promotions and offering benefits to potential clients if they join the company.

If the client agrees with the offer, the account executive will be in charge of negotiating a contract with the client.

When it comes to average income, a freelance account executive can pocket $43 per hour.

3. Software Developer

Entering a freelance job with a high salary, a software developer is responsible for implementing software solutions by building programs, applications, and websites.

To have a career as a software developer, at least you must have good analytical skills, logical thinking, and attention to detail.

In terms of income, a software developer can pocket $42 per hour.

4. Professors

Love sharing knowledge? If so, becoming a freelance professor can be an option to increase profits, you know.

The rapid growth of educational and eLearning platforms makes freelance professors much needed. No wonder professors enter freelance jobs with high salaries.

Freelance professors are responsible for teaching students around the world in a variety of disciplines. Usually, in one week the professor can work 9-12 hours, an additional 20-30 hours to prepare for classes, and 10 hours to grade and evaluate coursework.

His average income can reach $41 per hour.

5. Technical Writer

Technical writers are tasked with documenting and writing technical materials such as equipment use guides or operating and maintenance instructions in sequence.

The form of writing can be in the form of manuals, journal articles, or other supporting documents to convey complex and technical information more easily.

Typically, a technical writer can spend 40 hours of his time working for an average salary of $41 per hour.

Of course, the amount of income adjusts to the author's flying hours and how many hours he works in one week.

6. Accountant

Globally, the average income of a freelance accountant can reach $38 per hour or equivalent to IDR 560 thousand.

A freelance accountant will be responsible for his client's financial processes, transactions, as well as documents.

In one week, usually a freelance accountant's average working hours can reach 40 hours, this depends on the industry.

As for clients, freelance accountants can work with individual clients as well as small businesses or an organization.

7. Copywriter

Freelance Copywriters are creative content writers with the aim of introducing trade products from clients.

Usually, they are tasked with producing persuasive content for the purposes of writing digital advertisements, print, and other forms of marketing.

The income of a freelance Copywriter can reach $38 per hour.

8. Programmer

A freelance programmer is tasked with developing computer software and applications, offering consulting, and providing solutions for their clients.

In one week, they can work 40 hours/week with an average income of up to $38 per hour.

9. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are one of the most in-demand freelance jobs.

However, not everyone can become a graphic designer, you know. Because it takes high creativity and the ability to use qualified design applications to become a graphic designer.

For this reason, a novice graphic designer can start creating a portfolio first before offering his services to potential clients.

The longer the experience, the higher the income of freelance graphic designers.

Launching from Katadata, the average salary of a freelance graphic designer can reach $36. 

How? Interested in a career as a freelance graphic designer?

10. Web Developer

Web developers are responsible for creating and building websites, from the appearance of the internet site to its usefulness.

The average working hours of a web developer are approximately 35 hours per week with an average salary of $35 per hour.

It's no wonder that web developers come in as freelance jobs with high salaries.

Because the amount of income can adjust to each other's abilities and flying hours.

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