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Investment Strategies for Housewives and Their Best Types of Investments

Despite not making money actively, a housewife has an important role to manage the family finances well. For this reason, it is important for Housewives to learn investment strategies for housewives.

In addition, without good financial management, all family members will be affected by adverse conditions due to wrong decisions.

Start By Preparing an Emergency Fund

Here comes the investment strategy for housewives. If you don't have a savings account yet, start opening one to secure an emergency fund for your family.

The emergency fund stored in the savings account will be used when an emergency to the family occurs.

For example, your husband gets a layoff from the company, needs additional funds when family members are sick, and so on.

Ideally, you should prepare an emergency fund for at least 6 months of living expenses.

With an emergency fund, you don't need to be confused when an emergency occurs and don't need to borrow money from others that can increase the burden.

Prepare Some Insurance

Insurance is an investment strategy for housewives that can be applied next.

The first insurance that needs to be prepared is life insurance for the husband who is the backbone and the party who makes the main living in the family.

Life insurance is a protection program if the husband dies or cannot earn a living due to certain circumstances.

When this happens, you and your children will benefit from surviving when your husband is unable to provide a living.

Furthermore, you also need to prepare health insurance for all families. Choose quality health insurance that has premiums that remain affordable.

Set Aside The Money Your Husband Gives You To Invest

Investments need to be owned by housewives to develop the money they have.

By investing, the money owned will develop in value above the annual inflation rate. This is of course different from saving in a bank.

Take Advantage of Time To Work Sidelines

What is the next investment strategy for housewives that can be applied?

Take advantage of your free time to earn extra money.

All housewives have a great opportunity to earn money from home by means of freelance work or what is often called a freelancer.

Graphic design, writing, and social media skills are needed by many parties and can be done remotely.

Continue to Add Financial Science

You can never develop for the better, if you stop learning. Increase knowledge related to finance, learn the art of investing, how to make a good budget, and so on.

This knowledge is not only used in the household.

You can also teach children to manage finances well, get used to living frugally and not excessively, and also teach them to merge.

Housewives who are able to manage finances well can enjoy a brighter and safer future.

Money Market Mutual Funds

The investment for Housewives that you can choose is Money Market Mutual Funds.

Mutual Funds themselves can simply be interpreted as a collection of funds from investors which will later be managed by investment managers.

So, you only need to top-up according to the desired amount and then the funds will be managed by your trust investment manager.

That way, you don't need to see capital market movements that take a lot of time and can do other household things.

It is these MI who will be in charge of monitoring the capital market and finding out the best stocks for investors to buy.

In fact, mutual funds are divided into 4, namely money market, fixed income, mixed and stock.

Well, you can choose a money market mutual fund that does have minimal risk and tends to be stable.


Gold investment is popular because it is claimed to be more stable and tends to be easier to do.

You only need to buy it and then store it for a long time.

Gold is a long-term investment, so it is popular among investors who really want to invest for a period of more than 5 years.

The advantage of investing in gold is that it is liquid or easy to find, so that when there is an urgent need for funds later, it can be used.

In choosing gold, you should also be careful. Because it is not impossible, there are rogue people who fake gold.

Therefore, you need to be more careful in distinguishing between real and fake gold, so that later the investment goes as desired.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

You may be questioning, what is Peer-to-Peer Lending?

Simply put, Peer-to-Peer Lending (P2P) is a marketplace where lenders and borrowers who want to realize their respective financial goals meet.

If you invest with a P2P system, you have the opportunity to be able to fund individuals or businesses. It started once, didn't it?

The reason why P2P is suitable as an investment for housewives is because the capital is not large.


You know, how come you want to invest, how come you are even told to do business? Yes, opening a business can be an investment for housewives too, you know.

You can take the time to make snacks, which will be sold and make a profit later.

Not only that, you can also channel hobbies such as making handicrafts or sewing, after that they are sold online which is indeed easier and more effective.

Start by making a small production first, so as not to be heavy at first. After you have made a profit, turn the money to become capital again and then increase the quantity of production.

It turns out that being a Housewife can also earn.

Come on, be a productive Housewife by starting the investment that you think is the safest and most promising for the future of your family.

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