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Strategy of Releasing Shoe Products, Guaranteed To Sell-Out Immediately!

Selling the first product in the business, including the shoe business, is definitely not easy.

You must give a good first impression so that consumers can trust and continue to buy your products in the future.

Not only the initial product, but every product that you want to sell in the market will certainly be very difficult, for example, the strategy of releasing shoe products.

The promotion strategy for the products you are going to sell is very important. Especially to make the first impression of the products you sell.

Not only the first impression of consumers but also the impression of the brand.

If you do the wrong strategy, you may end up selling badly on your product. 

When the first sale of the product you are about to sell fails, consumers' perception of the product will not be strong.

Consumer perception of the product will underestimate and as a result you cannot quickly sell the product you made. 

You have to make sure that the launch of the product you want to release must be interesting.

In a product launch there are three main stages, namely pre-launch, launch, and post-launch. In this topic, we will discuss how to do a shoe product launch.

Strategies for Releasing Shoe Products to Sell-out Quickly

1. Prepare the Shoes You Will Release

In the first stage there is a pre-launch stage of the shoe product release strategy or what we usually call the preparation period.

This stage is when you have to learn the product you are going to release. You also have to know approximately what will be the unique selling point or selling power of your shoes. 

In addition, of course, each shoe design will have its own characteristics or special features that you want to highlight.

As a marketing strategist for the launch of a shoe release, you should know that. 

In this first stage, you have to do some research for the target market you want to go to. In addition, you also have to do research with the competitors you will face.

2. Strategy Analysis Before Release

Once you've gotten a few lists from competitors, it's time for you to do a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats.

By knowing the SWOT of your product and competitors, you can prepare what things you will face later. 

In strength, you must know the strength or strength of the shoes you are about to release. Then on weakness you can estimate the weaknesses that your shoes have.

After that, it's on the opportunities and threats that are what your shoes have better than competitors and vice versa. 

After knowing the SWOT of the shoes you are going to release, it's time to determine the analysis of the shoe release strategy, this can be seen from the target market and positioning of your shoe brand.

You can use the media on the internet to attract awareness from consumers. You must make the best use of the media on the internet. 

You can use email or social media. As much as possible, you should know which media channels can be closely interactive with consumers.

3. Preparing the Shoe Release Promotion AI Tool

After you have prepared some of these things, you can start making design designs to promote your shoes. You can start bringing designs that have close value to your shoes.

In determining the design that you will use, you can make your shoes more distinctive. 

In designing this promotional tool, you must have a promotional language that is easy for consumers to remember and quickly captured by consumers. Like creating a distinctive feature of your shoes later.

You can bring shoe design into the visual language you use in promoting.

In addition, you may also be able to add a slogan or tagline to help consumers remember your product.

One example is a Converse product that has a tagline on the shoes released.

The tagline used by Converse is on Chuck Taylor products that are released using tags #chuck in their promotions. 

You can also make posters or artwork to become one of the promotional tools. This poster will be useful to convey the strength you have in the shoes you are about to release.

You can bring that strength to underline what you want to sell in the shoe. 

You can contain information such as the unit selling point that you will provide to consumers. Try to make posters or artwork with shorter information so that consumers can more easily load the information you convey.

4. Take Advantage of Existing Media to Release Your Shoes

Once you have all the tools and strategies you'll use in your product launch, you can use the media.

To promote the release of the product is very important. This can help you voice your product so that shoes can build consumer awareness. 

You can use simple media facilities at this time. One example is using social media.

Using social media in shoe product releases can help you get attention from consumers. 

You can use the ads feature on existing social media platforms. One example that you can use is Google Ads and Instagram Ads.

Before you release your shoes, you can also give them to some important people in the community first. This means influencers or public figures on social. 

They can help you to do a review of your product in advance which will ultimately help you build awareness in the community.

You can also use the official launch for your shoes so that everyone can see firsthand what kind of shoes you are going to launch. 

After that, you can launch this in a public place and can be seen by many target markets.

You can hold a shoe launch at a shopping center, in the middle of a mall or restaurant.

5. Evaluate Your Shoe Product Release Strategy

After releasing the shoes, you can analyze the strategies you have made.

You can see approximately what things are still lacking in the release of your shoes or what you want to change in the launch of shoes that you have done.

On each occasion you do the next shoe release, you can see from the product release strategy you just did. You can also ask consumers for feedback about the products you have released.

This is so that you can improve the products you have released or get new insights on future products.

Those were the steps of a shoe product release strategy that you can do to increase sales.

Good luck!

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