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5 Strategies for Creating Ads in Google Ads for The Shoe Business

One of the best options for advertising products is to take advantage of technology.

Because it is not only easy but also practical and cheap. In this case, one way you can try is to advertise on Google.

Google Ads is one of the best and largest online advertising platforms in the world. So for those of you shoe business people, you must try this.

The way Google Ads works is that you only need to make ads as attractive as possible. Then your ad will be displayed on the Google search engine.

To then become the basic material to attract visitors to buy your product.

In starting a google shoe business google ad campaign, it can be said to be difficult and easy. In fact, it is not uncommon for some business people to suffer losses when using Google Ads.

For this reason, you should use a special strategy so that these losses can be minimized. Here are 5 strategies to start a shoe business Google ad campaign that are important to know.

Strategies for Starting a Google Shoe Business Ad Campaign

Here are 5 strategies to start a Shoe Business Google ad campaign that can help increase sales of your shoe products:

1. Research Customer Requests

One of the tips for successful Google ads shoe business is to know what customers want.

This is because if the shoe products you offer are different from the wishes of customers, then the advertisements you make are useless.

To find out customer demand, you can try the Google Trends feature. Through this feature, you can start searching and comparing your shoe products with other products, as well as what should be updated and developed from your product so that you can then apply it to your business.

So, the hope is that potential customers will click on your ad and eventually buy your product.

For example, you are looking for a trend of women's shoes for your business. You just need to write "women's shoes" on Google Trends.

Then will appear some of the most searches related to women's shoes. You just have to choose one of these shoe trends, to further apply it to your business.

2. Define the Main Goals

Defining the main objective of your ads is an important thing you should do if you want your Google Ads your shoe business to be successful.

The purpose of the advertisement in question can be in the form of increasing brand popularity, product sales, more leads, and so on.

Suppose, the purpose of advertising is to increase sales. So, in the advertising section, you focus on using words that can attract customers to buy the product such as "Buy Now".

The important thing you need to know too, these words will not be very effective if you use them for other advertising purposes.

Whether it's for brand popularity, or to get more leads.

You have to really determine what your ad objectives in Google Ads are for, because every goal you choose will determine the decisions you will make in creating the ad and the quality of your ad in the future. 

This is because doing something including doing business aimlessly will only be useless.

So, don't let you do an advertising campaign without setting a goal first, if you want advertising for your shoe business to make a profit in the future.

3. Use the Right Keywords in Google Ads

Using the right keywords is helpful for increasing sales of your shoe products. Why is that?

This is because determining the right keywords can help show ads to the right potential customers. In determining these keywords, you can start by imagining yourself as a customer. 

Then make as many lists as possible, what words customers will be looking for a lot. You can create a list based on the main category, and then create a derived phrase from that category.

Suppose, you want to sell women's sports shoes. You can start the category "women's sports shoes". Then the next list is "women's sneakers" or "women's shoes for jogging" and so on.

However, in the selection of these keywords is also not arbitrary. Because if there are many keywords but nothing is right, it will also be useless.

In this case, you can choose more specific keywords, but still reach many people. 

This is because choosing specific keywords can help target potential customers to buy your product. However, make sure to also reach many people, because it can help your product to compete with competitors. 

You don't have to worry if you have trouble determining keywords. Because Google Ads itself will provide several keyword options according to the theme of the ad you fill in.

Not only that, the special thing is, you can determine the keywords you will choose yourself based on the highest search volume on Google SERPs. Surely it will be of great help to you, right?

If you have got the right list of keywords, then you just have to test the keywords.

Whether it will work to increase sales of your shoe products or not.

4. Improve the Google Ads Quality Score

Google Ads Quality Score is a value in the form of numbers from 1 to 10 that provide information on how compatible the landing page is with the keywords and ads we create. 

The higher the Quality Score value you get, it indicates that your ad is in the top position of the search engine. In addition, this quality score can also help you find out how relevant your ads are to user searches.

Knowing the quality score can help you choose the right keywords for your ad. So, it can appear on the homepage of the search for potential customers for your product.

Not only that, the larger the scale you get, the greater the competitiveness of your advertisements in the market. This will certainly be very helpful to make your ad more quality. 

For example, an ad with the keyword "men's shoes" and an ad with the keyword "women's heels shoes."

You can compare for yourself what the quality score value for the two ads is so you can then determine which keywords to use with which keywords.

So, if you want the Google Ads you run to increase sales of your shoe products, you can try to take advantage of this quality score.

5. Know What Kind of Business Competition you're Facing

Whatever the form of a business, recognizing competitors is a necessity in itself so that the products offered can compete in the market. Likewise in the use of Google Ads for this shoe business. 

Where by knowing what competitors are doing. That will help you make the decision to run your business ad. 

There are several things that you need to pay attention to in this regard, namely keywords, landing page appearances, to CTAs used by competitors.

You can find out these three things, and then you adjust it to the business ads you run.

For example, competitors use the keyword "men's sports shoes" with a landing page display that matches the keyword. You can try the same keywords, but with different and more interesting landing page innovations of course.

This will really help you to minimize time and costs. Because by looking at competitors, you can more quickly find out what kind of Google Ads are suitable and effective for you to use later.

Already Know 5 Strategies to Start Your Shoe Business Google Ads?

Getting started with a Google ads shoe business is not easy. But, you can immediately apply it yourself to your business with careful consideration according to the tips above.

If these five strategies do not have a significant impact on your business, you may be able to try hiring the services of a trusted online marketer to help your shoe business achieve success in the future.

Good luck!

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