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Cheap Ad Tips with Bid Strategies in Google Ads

As a business activist, how often have you used paid promotion methods such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads?

If you have often done the activities above, of course you are familiar with the name of bidding.

This bid strategy is one of the most important ways to make ad performance more effective in terms of price and delivery.

With a bid strategy, Google can also find out what the purpose of the ad you are creating is.

Choosing the wrong bid strategy, the result of your ad will be wrong and ineffective.

For example, let's say you want to advertise for brand awareness, but you choose bidding for conversions.

Or vice versa, you want the goal to be for conversions, but it turns out that the campaign or ad you created is not eligible for this.

Come on, discuss more about bid strategies in Google Ads!

What Is a Bid Strategy?

A bid strategy is a bid strategy that aims to cover the daily budget of an ad in Google Ads.

Bidding in Google Ads itself is defined in two types, namely without limits and certain limits.

If without limits, later Google will freely spend the budget without any additional notice.

This is not bad, but it is likely that the cost ratio will be greater.

Meanwhile, with a limit, Google cannot spend money carelessly because there are certain limits that are set manually before the ad is broadcast.

A bid strategy like this is indeed arguably able to make it cost-effective, but because it limits the delivery of ads, it is not uncommon for ads not to even appear at all.

Therefore, it takes a strategy that cannot be arbitrary and usually this method is used for those who are already experienced.

Please note that each digital ads platform such as Google, Instagram and even Facebook Ads has a different bid strategy, although the way it works may be almost the same.

The selection of a bid strategy also usually has to be adjusted to the objectives of the ad or campaign such as click, impression or conversion objectives.

Bidding Strategies in Google Ads That Are Most Used

Actually, there are many strategies that can be done when you create ads in Google Ads.

In fact, if you are already an expert, it is possible to make your own strategy manually that adjusts to your business needs.

But, to get there, of course, you can't be careless, because just wrong a little bit, a lot of money can be floated without producing effective advertising.

Plus the execution is also quite complex.

Therefore, these 6 strategies are often used. Arbitrary?

Maximize Clicks

Using this strategy, you're allowing Google Ads to serve ads according to the audience with their likelihood of clicking on your ad.

No matter what their purpose or intention, if the audience has a tendency to click on your ad, the ad will be displayed.

Meanwhile, don't misinterpret the meaning of this bid strategy.

Spreading ads to many audiences does not mean that more visitors will buy your product or service.

Therefore, this bid strategy is only suitable for use as awareness, with more information can be read on the website.

That way, you will get as many databases of previous audience visitors as possible.

If you have a remarketing plan in the next ad, you can use this strategy first.

Maximize Conversions

Maximize Conversions is a continuation of Maximize Click, which if you use this Google will focus on your costs to get as many conversions as possible, without any limits.

Even so, this strategy has a disadvantage, namely, Google will continue to spend the cost or budget you have even though the conversion you get is 0 until you completely stop it.

Therefore, you must really have the right ad configuration so that costs are not wasted.

This strategy is very suitable to use if you want to get the maximum potential from the average acquisition cost value.

Enhanced Cost Per Click (CPC)

If the previous two ways we handed over automation to Google, then Enhanced CPC is a non-smart bidding strategy owned by Google.

Non Smart Bidding itself means that this strategy does not use Automation from Google at all, and you have to optimize your bid strategy manually.

This strategy is also arguably a derivative strategy of the CPC manual.

Enhanced CPC is suitable for you to use to control CPC or Cost Per Click metrics.

The reason is because you can set for yourself what the maximum limit is.

But experts suggest that this strategy is not useful, especially for advanced campaigns because you really have to control everything manually, not to mention if there are many campaigns.

Target Cost Per Action (CPA)

If with Maximize Conversions you can get as many conversions as possible, then with Target CPA you can get conversions with a certain limit.

Usually, the target CPA is filled with the nominal cost we want.

For example, CPA can be filled with $1, then Google will do the balancing so that the average cost per conversion earned does not exceed $1.

But it should be noted that the target CPA is only effective if the ad to be served is known for its maximum potential cost.


Because if you determine a CPA that is too small, your ad will risk not serving at all.

Therefore, this strategy is usually used in advanced campaigns where you have done other campaigns before.

Target Cost Per Mile (CPM)

Next is Target CPM or Cost Per Mile, where you can set the cost limit incurred for every 1000 ad impressions.

If you want to get awareness like ads on TV, you can use Target CPM because with this strategy your ads can be seen by as many people as possible within a certain cost limit.

But just like the strategy in the previous point, you must first know the effective cost orientation of your ad, because if you make the CPM too low, the ad will potentially not run at all.

You need to know that cpm targets are only available in visually-based campaigns such as GDN or YouTube Ads.

Target Return on Ads Spend (ROAS)

Finally, there is the Target ROAS or Return on Ads Spend, which allows you to get the largest conversion value according to the predetermined ROAS value.

This is certainly different from the target CPA which allows you to get as many conversions as possible with a certain acquisition cost limit.

For example, you specify a ROAS of 5x, then Google will later try to make sure that your ads can generate such a large return, which means that every $0.01 you pay will get $0.05.

But the opposite of the previous point, you have to be careful not to set the ROAS to be too high because the ad will potentially not air at all.

Usually this strategy is most often used by e-commerce, because it has the function of getting as much return as possible.

Will Ads be Effective and Be at #1 google if bidding is high?

Many people think that by having high bidding, your ad will be on the main page.

Indeed, this could happen because logically, by increasing the bid price, we will get a better service.

But unfortunately, this is not the case in ad bid strategies in Google ads.

Why does that happen?

The reason is because to be on the main page of the ad, not only about the high bidding needed but it is necessary to have a good combination of keywords, ad text to the landing page used.

All combinations of the three things above, will determine the Quality Score (QS).

As for Google, it will give QS from a value of 1 to 10.

Well, if the advertisement is very relevant from the three factors above, then the QS obtained will be high, maybe it can reach above 7.

QS will determine what the CPC or ad price per click is.

The higher the QS, the cheaper the CPC will be.

Therefore, when advertising on Google Ads, you must make sure you get a good QS value, otherwise of course the CPC will be more expensive.

Not only that, but you also have to make sure the ads are made attractive and relevant for the audience to click on.

If the performance of the click factor is good, then you will get a high Click Through Rate or CTR and will affect the price of the CPC in the future.

If the advertising you do is successful, then of course it does not rule out the possibility that the sales of your business or services increase.

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