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6 Challenges Faced by Business Actors in Terms of Payments

Receiving orders from customers is indeed something that every business actor has been waiting for.

But, it is also undeniable that managing business transactions is not a simple thing.

You see, you not only need to help customers make the payment process, but also have to do other things such as ensuring the nominal transaction or checking the incoming money.

If the payment system available in your business is still manual, it is not impossible that your time and energy will be seized a lot to take care of it.

Not to mention, this conventionally managed transaction system also has a greater risk of miscalculation compared to an automated system.

Well, in the meantime, business actors can also face 6 challenges in terms of payment.

Come on, get to know them one by one through the following review!

1. Information Security

Data security is one aspect that needs to be prioritized in terms of payment transactions.

Therefore, business actors, including those who run businesses on the scale of MSMEs, need to rely on a trusted payment system so that they can ensure smoothness and security when transacting.

Therefore, you need to be selective in choosing payment solutions.

For example, when you want to ensure the security of transactions with a credit card, it is necessary to rely on an integrated payment system provider.

2. Minimal Integration

As previously explained, if you still apply a conventional payment system, then you or your staff may be managing transactions manually.

Of course, this method is very tiring and can cause various risks, ranging from discrepancies in information and duplicated data.

Through the use of an integrated payment platform, you can manage your business more effectively because you no longer need to waste a lot of time updating transaction data.

In addition, the system will also minimize the risk of errors when recording data.

3. Large Transaction Fees

Another problem that is also often faced by business actors in managing the payment process is the large transaction costs.

You see, these costs will have an impact on your business cash flow.

So, the higher the cost you have to pay, the greater the expenses that must be made.

4. Many Payment Types

Do you currently only have one or two payment options available?

If the answer is yes, then you should change this habit because a limited payment system can hinder your business from running more effectively.

Meanwhile, providing various payment options will help you to improve the quality of service.

You see, customers can easily choose the type of transaction they want, such as credit/debit cards, QR Payments, Virtual Accounts, to installations.

5. Ease of Access to Transaction Services

In addition to providing various payment options, business actors must also provide transaction services that can be accessed easily.

Moreover, nowadays many business actors open businesses online.

Of course, the transaction must be easily accessible without any time limit.

6. Presenting a Practical Transaction Process

Customer trust in your business is not only influenced by the types and quality of the products you provide.

Their experience when transacting is also important for you to improve.

Through an easy, practical, and safe transaction process, customers will be more comfortable shopping.

That way, they will go back to shopping again and recommend your business to others.

As an unyielding business actor, you certainly have to be ready to face various challenges, including for payment matters.

Well, if you already recognize the payment challenges in doing business, you can also anticipate them and maximize the transaction process through integrated business solutions.

Good luck!

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