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5 Stages of Running a Pastry Business in ramadan, it must be a success!

The month of Ramadan is a month of blessings, because in addition to being able to add blessings from worship, you can also increase your daily income by running a business.
Well, one of the most promising business opportunities is to run a pastry business.
Starting from ketapang seeds, nastar, snow white, shredded dry pastels, cat tongues, syringes, to kastengel.
Wow, just imagining it must have been imagined delicious, yes.
If you intend to sell keriing cakes in the month of Ramadan, here are 5 steps you need to follow to make your business more successful.

1. Determine the Type of Pastry Business

You need to determine in advance what kind of pastries you want to sell because as mentioned above, there are a variety of typical Eid cookies.

Well, the selection of these pastries can be adjusted to your ability to make cakes.

However, if you decide to become a reseller, you can try to find out what pastry trends are, which are many people's favorites.

Don't forget, research about prices so you can still get profits.

2. Innovation In The Pastry Business Is Important

Ever remember there was a rainbow-patterned cat tongue pastry?

Yes, this motif appeared because at that time it was booming rainbow cake.

Pastries can also sell well in the market because people must be interested and curious about the external appearance.

You can try to innovate with the pastries sold.

For example, you want to sell cheese dry sus.

Well, why not replace cheese with green tea as a filling?

Or, you think about selling nastar because these pastries are the best-selling from year to year.

As it is known, nastar usually contains pineapple.

Try it, giving a different filling for your pineapple, for example chocolate, cheese, or nuts.

Create the shape in such a way that it is not round-round like most nastars.

You can try the shape of the heart, the shape of the leaves, or make them colorful.

3. Pay Attention to the Expiry Date

The expiration date is an important thing that consumers need to know so this deserves attention.

As a cookie business enthusiast, you need to know when the last limit of the pastries can be consumed.

Make sure that the label is on the box or container of pastries sold.

Make sure you sell pastries honestly during the month of Ramadan.

Avoid harming consumers because in addition to reducing merit, your product can be doubted by other consumers.

4. Selling through an online store, why not?

New trends in the digital world actually require business people to be more technologically literate. Having your own online store is a very profitable thing, considering that there are so many transactions that occur in the marketplace every day.

If you want to sell through an online store, take a portrait of the pastries you sell, make an attractive product description, market your product, and don't forget to always be active because buyers can come at any time.

5. In addition to utilizing social media, trust the word of mouth

Don't forget, optimize the use of social media to promote the various types of pastries you sell.

Provide attractive promos, for example, the first 25 buyers in a certain period are entitled to get 1 jar of free pastries.

On the other hand, you also need to rely on the power of word of mouth which can make your pastries more known by other customers.

You can start by offering cookies to your closest neighbors.

If they like it, ask them to offer it to their other friends.

Get ready, your business can make a sudden profit!

Do You Need Big Capital?

For capital matters, it actually depends on what kind of product you are going to sell. If you intend to make your own pastries, take into account the price of the ingredients, gas stove, electricity, jars or containers, and so on.

However, if you want to become a reseller, you don't need to bother thinking about the things above.

One thing to think about, the business you are engaged in can grow rapidly with access to business capital.

Moreover, in the month of Ramadan, usually the demand for these pastries is very skyrocketing.

For those of you who intend to pursue this pastry business seriously, prepare everything carefully.

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