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Beginner? Confused How to Become a Freelancer? Here are the Tips


Actually, to start as a freelancer is quite easy, because some of you may be beginners, of course you need a more detailed explanation, right?. Surely you need a step-by-step guide, so this time we will discuss the steps to starting to become a freelancer.

Age Criteria to Become a Freelancer

The first is that there is no minimum age to become a freelancer, so if any of you ask, is there an age criterion to become a freelancer? The answer is no, you want any age, it's all possible. There are even teenagers under 17 years old who have managed to get hundreds of dollars from freelance, so be confident, whatever your age is now you can start a career as a freelancer.

Freelancer Education Requirements

The second thing you need to know is that the last education is not too important, you will not be asked, what graduate did you graduate? Your diploma is junior high, high school, vocational, S1, S2, or S3? in freelance, all of that will not be asked, for those of you who are currently still studying in a field that may be different from what you like, for example, you are currently studying in agriculture but like graphic design, it doesn't matter, because in freelance it is your ability/skill that is assessed not your degree.

So the client has money, he needs someone who can complete his work, if you can do it then you have provided a solution for him, he will not be asked what your education is.

One Area Focus

Then the next step you have to choose a career as a freelancer in what field, many think to be a freelancer you have to be able to design, even though it's not like that, freelancers have a lot of fields, there are freelancers in the field of website programming, there are freelancers in video editing, there are also in the field of writing and even in the field of data entry whose job is to enter data.

So, it's not just design but there are so many fields. Well, from the start you have to decide what field you want to be in, choose a field that you like, that you enjoy doing, if you don't know what field you like now, just try all fields. , then you feel which one makes you comfortable to do it. Now that's the field you have to choose.

Consistent Honing Ability/Skill

The fourth is that you must continue to hone your skills , when you understand what field you are passionate about, understand where your passion is, your next task is to hone your skills, you don't need to be an expert in all fields, but you are quite an expert in one field. just what you like, that's enough.

So how do you hone your skills? you like it or not every day you have to study continuously, for example you want to pursue the field of graphic design, every day you can make one day one design, believe me, the more you do it, in the long run you will master it, the expert is not a person the smartest, but a skilled person is one who is willing to practice every day.

Create a Portfolio

The fifth step is to create a portfolio. What is a portfolio? many think that portfolio is an example of work, the problem is that if you don't get a job, then what do you want to use as a portfolio, isn't it?, actually you can just make a personal project, for example if you are designed, you just make your own designs, such as making illustration, create a logo design or maybe design a mascot.

In other fields, for example, website programming, you can also make Personal Projects such as your own website , or in writing, for example, you can make your own articles and others. Now all of that will later become your portfolio, so the portfolio is not only an example of work but can also be from your own personal project, easy to understand right?

Join Freelance Site

Next is the last one after you have skills and a worthy portfolio to sell, Now it's time for you to learn to market, at this stage you have to learn to get clients or sell your skills, Now the easiest way to get clients, you have to know where the clients are this gathering,

And usually these clients gather on freelance websites or websites, why? Because freelance sites are designed to bring together freelancers with clients online, working from home is also possible. There are many freelance sites such as fiverr.com, upwork.com , freelancer.com , peopleperhour.com and others, but maybe the easiest one, which is very friendly for now is fiverr.com for beginners, but you can also try them all freelance site so you know the difference.

Now that 's step by step to become a freelancer , freelancer can also be called a personal business. If you find this article useful, you can share it, see you in the next tips.


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