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7 Recommended Business Learning Sites for Beginners


Looking for a business learning site? If so, this article is for you!

The business world is your place to see and grasp the opportunities that lie ahead to advance your business. On the contrary, if the opportunity cannot be seen let alone captured, then what happens is failure. In the investment formula, seeing opportunities is a must for investors.

If you want to go into the business world seriously and deeply, you can study formally by going to business school. In addition, you can also learn through non-formal channels, for example through online learning sites.

Here are 7 business learning sites that you can try to learn so that your business becomes more advanced and developed:

1. MatthewWoodward.co.uk

As the name implies, this site belongs to Matthew Woodward. From the appearance of his website or website, it can be seen that he is a figure who really knows what he will and is working on. There are two awards that he has won, namely about Making Money Online. You can also judge for yourself the quality of the content offered on this site. In addition, there are many tips and tricks that can be run using tools, how to find out quality content and how to monetize a website so that you can get passive income. He also often displays his blog income.

2. NeilPatel.com

This business learning site, which is led by young people from Bollywood, has become a reference for various international businesses. His environment, which was dominated by business people, finally made himself to enter the business world. At first, he worked as a cleaning service in a toy store. However, later he transformed into a contributor from various well-known business sites such as Forbes.com, Entrepreneurs.com and other large business sites.

3. Quicksprout.com

This site is still from Neil, but the content presented is different and can even be said to be nutritious for online business lovers. You will certainly like his insights about Making Money Online starting from content marketing, startup tips, social media optimization and others. In addition, if you are interested in trying the online course, there are also those offered for free but limited to only 30 days. You can build a business by building a big site it seems.

4. LearnVest

Every successful entrepreneur knows about how he will manage his money in the business he is in as well as managing personal finances. This business learning site offers how business people can manage their finances well so that the business will continue to run. The cost provided is also fairly affordable. In fact, there are also some classes that are free of charge or FREE.

5. Niche Consultant Course

For entrepreneurs, there is no reason to stop learning. Nowadays, learning business online is very easy. This business learning site offers coaching for every businessman. In it, there are many professional trainers and great organizations who will regularly provide courses and ebooks and even free so that you can build a bigger business. You will learn a lot from this site. including finding a business or course that works for you.

6. edX

edX is a free site that offers more than 300 programs consisting of various topics such as Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your Customer, there is also Financial Analysis and Decision Making and other programs. Not only about business in general, this business learning site also presents information on how to learn according to the skills you need in the industry or business you run.

7. Hubspot Academy

The last business learning site is Hubspot Academy. This site is a free certification program that offers its visitors a course with inbound marketing, website optimization, educational content creation process, landing pages and others. You will be helped to create a brand including having various skills that you need in business.

Of all the sites above, has anyone made you interested?

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