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Starting to Return to Normal, These are the 12 Biggest Business Trends in 2022

Talking about business trends in 2022, it is certainly no different from the previous year because we are still overshadowed by pandemic conditions.

But what distinguishes it, now many Indonesians, especially in Kora, have been vaccinated. So the plan to return to normal began to be echoed a lot.

Once again, you are given time to be able to get better, not only from the inside but also the quality of daily life.

Especially for those of you who are business people, the beginning of the year can be a stepping stone for you to earn more money in the next 12 months.

There are many things that you can do as a businessman at the beginning of the year like now, one of which is to follow the development of business trends that will exist in the next year.

When knowing business trends every year, you will be wiser in determining a marketing strategy that suits the current market situation.

Then, what are the business trends that exist in 2021? Here's the review!

1. Working Hybrid/Remote Has Become Commonplace

Since the pandemic in 2020 until 2021, the number of workers who do Work from Home or work from home has increased very sharply.

Well, in 2022 there are already several companies that have imposed office hours but still maintain capacity so that it is not full.

This is the so-called Hybrid work system.

Therefore, remote work may still be done by some companies, especially for businesses that have a large number of employees because of course employees have to enter the office in shifts or shifts.

In fact, working from home or outside the office has indeed become a new way, and many business people have implemented this.

In order to adapt in this era well, you as a business person may need to invest in additional technology and certain software that supports employees to work comfortably without the need to go to the office.

Not only that, with this, business people must also start strengthening cyber security.

Add protection for every computer to the programs used in every business so that they don't become easy targets for hackers.

2. The Importance of Big Data as a Company Asset

So far, Big Data has been widely used for various companies to improve their business.

Currently, there have been many developments in analytics applications that are easy to use.

Of course, this makes contextualizing Big Data easier.

For a business, one of the benefits of Big Data in a business is to make companies know who their customers are better.

Starting from knowing who buys the product or uses its services, to what the buyer does with the product or service purchased.

In 2022, the business trend of utilizing Big Data is still something important.

In addition to providing effectiveness in attracting customers, marketing strategies that utilize big data also give your business a competitive advantage in the market.

3. Intensifying Digital Automation

Another business trend that is rife in 2022 is automation.

Yup, business people should evaluate the processes of their business performance, and consider automated.

In addition to securing health during a pandemic, this can also increase the productivity of operational activities.

You can do this automation system in various ways, ranging from stock processes in warehouses, supply chains, expedition delivery, to chatbots for customers.

Now specifically automation for customers as business people, you have to see the consumer as an individual just like yourself.

Therefore, it is very necessary for you to provide a personalized and customized customer experience.

By personalizing the customer experience, your customers will feel that you know them very well and can anticipate their every need.

For example, do you shop at an e-commerce site?

Every time you finish making a purchase, there will usually be product suggestions that are relevant to your previous purchase.

4. Increasing Virtual Interfaces

In this day and age, many companies are competing to provide services in digital form, especially in a pandemic situation that requires many people to stay at home.

There are many things that can be done to support this through technology, for example, such as augmented reality, to virtual reality.

Well, in order to comply with the government to stay anywhere, there is a long use of virtual avatars that are commonly used to try on make-up, glasses and clothes.

Ultimately, "try before buying" with this vitual interface will change the way businesses offer their services to customers.

5. Increasing Consumers of Local Products

Previously, there were many calls for "Local to Global" in the 2022 business trend, it actually became reversed, namely "Global to Local".

Yes, due to the pandemic, many sectors, especially those that rely on sales globally, are experiencing difficulties.

Therefore, nowadays there are many business people who localize the products/services offered in order to survive.

It's also no wonder that in 2022, many local products are growing and competing to innovate.

In addition, there is also a change in behavior in consumers, where nowadays many consumers do not mind buying local products with the intention of helping others and making the economy continue to move to a better place.

6. Sustainable Action Is Paid More Attention

The existence of this pandemic, has dealt a blow to many people around the world.

Therefore, many people are becoming increasingly concerned about the sustainability of their environment.

Conducting more serita activities using environmentally friendly products.

As a business person, it's time for you to also pay more attention to how the environment is sustainable.

In addition to having a good impact on the future of the earth, your business is also able to get more value from consumers.

You can start by replacing packaging with materials that are more environmentally friendly, or something else.

7. More Social Engagement

During the pandemic, many brands have relied on their relationships/engagements with their customers/potential customers on social media.

Well, in 2022, the business trend that occurs is to present the "behind the scenes" appearance of a business on social media.

Consumers like something more authentic and real, and are more interested in brands that treat them like friends.

Therefore, building a community in 2022 through social media is also intensified by many brands.

Along with this, you can also engage multiple influencers to drive deeper relationships and engagement with customers.

8. Conducting Virtual Activities

In 2020 to 2021, circumstances led us to do more activities virtually.

With this limitation, of course, businesses must adapt, one of which is by holding marketing events such as launching products online.

As does Apple, or Channel.

Thus, in 2022 it is very likely that this business trend will still be popularly used.

The reason is because although the world has returned to normal, there is still a limit on the number of people gathering in some places.

9. Networking with Other Business People

If you are aware during a pandemic, instead of competing, many businesses are collaborating.

This is done as an effort to support each other's businessmen to be able to rise together through the pandemic.

Well, therefore, don't hesitate to expand networking with fellow business people.

You can follow the community of business people who are currently widely available online.

In addition, attending webinars or online classes about business can also help increase networking.

10. Training for Employee Development

In order to increase retention and maintain a workforce in the company, it never hurts to provide training that makes them grow.

Many experts say that if the business trend is to provide training to employees to develop their abilities, they will have a much more loyal workforce.

This is because, employees feel that they are cared for and supported to have better abilities in the future.

11. Mental Health in the Work Environment

The issue of mental health getting here is no longer a taboo to talk about.

Many people have also been more open about the importance of having a healthy mentality, especially in the work environment.

Now there are also many companies that provide professional services that help their employees in solving their mental problems.

This is because, a person's mentality will greatly affect employee performance.

The work-life balance trend has also been widely applied in various business industries.

In 2022, there will be nothing wrong with your company trying this.

12. Personal Branding

If you have a business, instead of just being behind the scenes now it's time to get up front.

Start looking at personal branding from yourself, because it turns out that this will help increase awareness about your business.

Yourself as a business owner, represents the product or service you have.

Therefore, start slowly building good personal branding, especially on social media such as Instagram, TikTok or professional ones such as LinkedIn.

You can share content that shares your story of building a business, or about tips and tips on running it.

After knowing the business trends above, it is time for you to start using them to plan an effective business strategy.

Implement the trends above, and adjust them to the business you are running.

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