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Definitely Profit! 12 Business Ideas during the Pandemic For You

It's been almost 2 years but the Covid-19 pandemic is not over.

Not only you, but all of us certainly feel burdened by this pandemic.

Starting from having to familiarize yourself with various new regulations called the new normal, losing your livelihood or losing money because there are no customers.

Even so, we must not despair and stand idly by.

This is the right time for you to hone your skills in reading the opportunities that exist.

To be able to survive, you have to look at the surrounding environment and pay attention to various businesses during the pandemic that are quite promising, such as:

1. Cloth Mask

Since the enactment of the new normal era in Indonesia, we are required to continue to wear masks when doing activities outside the home.

In fact, this had caused medical masks to become a very expensive and rare item.

Therefore, entrepreneurs see this as a new business opportunity.

The high need for masks that are not accompanied by sufficient supply makes entrepreneurs compete to make non-medical masks from cloth.

You can also follow in this footsteps, you know!

Make sure your mask is in accordance with the standards set by the Government.

In addition, to attract more consumers, you can make cloth masks with interesting motifs and colors.

2. Credit/Data Package

Selling credit or data packages is a very profitable pandemic-era business.

Just imagine, during the pandemic, all teaching and learning activities are carried out online or online, and some companies also still choose to implement Work From Home (WFH) for the safety of employees.

One of the most needed things for these remote work and learning activities is a data package or credit.

Indeed, the profit you get from selling one data package cannot be said to be large, but if you accumulate it with the number of consumers that exist every day, the amount will be very decent.

The term is even though the profit is small but the name of profit still has to be thanked during a pandemic like now.

3. Food Catering

The next profitable pandemic-era business is the food catering business.

Yes, if you have good cooking skills then this business is the right business for you.

To minimize the possibility of contracting the Covid-19 virus, people tend to be more careful in choosing the food they will consume.

This is what causes the food catering business to become crowded.

In addition to taste, cleanliness and tidiness in the presentation of food are also the main values.

Therefore, you must believe consumers that the food you make is safe for consumption and free from the Covid-19 virus because it is processed by following standard health protocols such as the use of gloves and so on.

4. Frozen Food

Still in the food sector, Frozen Food or frozen food is also a pandemic-era business that cannot be underestimated.

The ease of managing frozen food and also the guarantee of the cleanliness of its products make frozen food a prima donna during this pandemic.

Frozen food also has a long shelf life, which means people can store frozen foods in their refrigerators for processing when they want to.

Storing frozen food in the refrigerator will also reduce the intensity of you going out of the house to buy food, so you can still stay at home.

5. Skin Health Products

If someone says just staying at home can cause the skin condition to improve then that is just a myth.

Yes, indeed we avoid street pollution but that does not mean that the skin condition will immediately become good.

In fact, some people say that their skin condition becomes dry while at home.

Therefore, skin health products have become a business during the pandemic that is quite tempting.

Skin health products that are quite sought after include organic masks, skin moisturizers, lip moisturizers and scrubs.

So, you can try to sell these products during this pandemic.

Remember, you should only sell products that are guaranteed safety to avoid risks that you don't want.

6. Body Health Products

Did you know? You can minimize the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus by maintaining excellent body condition.

Therefore, maintaining the immune system is highly recommended during a pandemic like now.

Don't get hung up on medicines made from chemicals, you can also maintain your body condition with traditional herbs such as herbs and honey.

In addition, you can also take a sufficient amount of vitamin C.

Not only for consumption, but you can also use these products as a business income field during the pandemic.

There are indeed a lot of herbal products produced by major factories, but herbs made by hand directly will taste fresher.

Therefore, you can make bottled herbal medicine and then sell it.

7. Bottled Coffee

Coffee is no longer a favorite drink of a few people, because now coffee has transformed into a lifestyle.

This can be seen from the many coffee shops that have sprung up in the past year.

Even though Covid-19 hit, the coffee business can still survive, you know!

The trick is to provide bottled products and sell them online so that consumers can still enjoy coffee without having to come directly to the coffee shop.

Well, this can be a business idea during the pandemic for you.

You can make bottled coffee for you to sell.

Afraid of expensive coffee machine prices?

Don't worry! Now you can easily buy a coffee machine at a price of only 3 million in various marketplaces in Indonesia.

8. Tableware

For those who like to cook, then they will choose to keep cooking and bringing lunch instead of having to order food catering.

Well, this could be a business opportunity during the pandemic for you.

You can sell various food utensils such as places to eat, spoons, forks or kitchen utensils at once.

In addition, you can also sell plastic drinking bottles that are easy to carry anywhere.

9. Graphic Design Services

For those of you who have expertise in the field of graphic design, this is the time for you to reap more profits.

Almost all businesses during the pandemic rely on social media to attract consumers, and one of the things that is needed for social media needs is content.

Interesting content will make consumers interested in buying products.

Therefore, social media content design services are being highly sought after these days.

Starting from creating content for Instagram feeds, instastory, or website banners.

You can take advantage of this opportunity if you have expertise in that area.

10. Website Development Services

As previously said, almost all businesses today are supported by digital or online technology.

Therefore, the website has been transformed into a major need for business people.

Although it seems simple, creating a website is actually quite complicated.

You have to think about the name, theme, layout and various other things that you want to display on the website.

Usually, people who don't want to be dizzy with things like this will immediately entrust the entire website creation process to the 3rd party.

Well, here you can be the 3rd party they need.

In addition to helping them to advance their business, you can also benefit from the website refraction service business.

11. Tutor

If you have an interest in the world of education and have good teaching skills, you can become a tutor.

The Covid-19 pandemic does not allow children to learn in tutoring places, therefore parents tend to choose the services of tutors to be able to teach their children at home.

Usually, the wages offered to become a tutor are very decent, you know!

So, are you ready to become a teacher?

12. Training Services

If you have certifications in certain fields, it never hurts to open an online training service.

For example, if you have a foreign language certificate, you can start opening remote teaching classes.

During the pandemic, people tend to get bored and look for many new activities including honing skills.

So opening a training service can be a promising business idea during the pandemic for you.

So, those were 12 business ideas during the pandemic that you might be able to implement.

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