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How to Become a Successful Reseller and Find the Best Business Ideas

The business world is growing rapidly every day.

There are new systems or techniques for doing business out there that can be used to make a profit.

One of them is the resale or reseller technique which is currently widely carried out by business people from every generation.

Resellers are the choice of many people to do business, because they are considered easy and also flexible in time, and can even be used as a side job.

Interested in pursuing this business technique?

Come on, take a look at the complete guide below!

1. Whats a Reseller?

Before knowing how to become a reseller, you must first know what a reseller really is.

Please note that by becoming a reseller, it means that you will sell products from other people / stores or commonly called suppliers.

Well, usually a reseller does not produce products on their own or are directly related to the factory.

Instead, resellers will have a cooperative relationship with the brand owner.

Simply put, you will resell the products owned by the brand owner.

However, the price given to you as a reseller is usually the selling price, so you can increase the price when sold to your consumers, and benefit from the difference in price.

How to Become a Reseller and Its Working Techniques

As a reseller, you will resell products from a brand.

Indeed, this method is quite easy because you don't need to bother thinking about product production.

In addition, the capital issued is also considered smaller.

But, you also have to be extra careful, because if you do the wrong calculation, you may lose money.

So how does the right reseller work?

The first step, you have to really pay attention to finding a good supplier.

If necessary, visit the supplier's place and see firsthand how it works and the quality of the product to be marketed.

After that, you have to get a good price offer so that you can resell it and make a profit.

Furthermore, as a reseller, the majority of suppliers will require you to buy a number of products (not just one), at least 1 dozen or 12 products.

Then, you can sell the product online or offline.

As a reseller, you must be wiser in making product adjustments.

If you feel that the product will run out, start placing orders back at the supplier.

Difference between Reseller and Dropshipper

Resellers, often equated with dropshippers.

Actually, the two are indeed similar but, of course, the work system applied between the two is very different.

Then, what is the difference between a reseller and a dropshipper?


  • Purchase or stock products in advance, in accordance with existing provisions.
  • Delivery of goods to consumers can be done by yourself as a reseller.
  • Promotional activities can be carried out with a catalog of products or products that have been purchased.
  • Can get promotional media such as personal sites, or advertisements from suppliers for free.
  • Replica websites to process, but the main control remains on the supplier's side.


  • No need to stock/buy products in advance.
  • Delivery of goods is carried out by the supplier by including the name of the dropshipper as the seller.
  • Promotional activities are usually carried out by providing customers with a list of products.
  • The promotional media obtained is usually only in the form of photos/banners.
  • Not given a replica web, only given a banner/photo for promotion.

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Reseller

Like other business techniques, when deciding to become a reseller, of course you will find its advantages and disadvantages.

Well, by knowing each of them, it is hoped that you can make wiser decisions in running a business.

Here's the review!

Advantages of Being a Reseller

Here are the advantages of resellers.

1. Can Start a Business Faster

It doesn't take long to start a business if you become a reseller.

You can start selling, on the same day you start a business.

You just have to promote the product on social media.

2. Can Sell Diverse Products

You can sell a variety of other products, as long as they are still in accordance with the industry you choose.

For example, you sell healthy food, then you can market a variety of products that come from various resellers.

The more types of related products you sell, the greater the chances of making a profit.

3. Have More Free Time

You can have flexible time in running this business, it can even be used as a side job.

Some reseller processes, usually done online so you can do it anytime anywhere.

4. Flexible in Setting Your Own Margins

The freedom to set margins is in your hands.

You will get a price that is much lower than the market when you become a reseller.

Well, later you can set a higher selling price to get a profit.

5. Free in Matters of Stock of Goods

In addition, by being a reseller you are also exempted in matters of stock of goods.

You can freely choose whether you want to stock up on goods to sell or not.

If the market is indeed crowded, you can make purchases and stock goods.

But, if the market is quiet, you can avoid doing stockpiling and instead stocking other products that are more marketable.

Disadvantages of Being a Reseller

Next are the shortcomings that you will feel if you become a reseller, what are they?

1. Can't Determine the Product You Want to Sell Yourself

You will buy the product from the supplier, and not produce it yourself.

Therefore, you certainly cannot determine the product you will sell, because you will sell someone else's product.

This will be difficult if the product you are selling has little potential in the market.

Therefore, before choosing a supplier, make sure their product has great potential in the market.

2. Cannot Modify or Innovate Products

The product you are selling is copyrighted or owned by the supplier.

Therefore, you cannot modify or innovate casually on the product.

What you can do is innovate in terms of marketing and promotional activities.

3. Many Similar Competitors

Becoming a reseller is somewhat easier than having to start a business from 0.

Therefore, there are also many people who are interested in running it.

Of course, this makes you will have many competitors in the market.

Well, for that you might be able to choose to become a reseller for more niche products, or indeed there are not many who sell but still have great market potential.

3. Various Models and Types of Resellers

Apparently, you can become a reseller with various models, you know.

The model here will affect how you work as a reseller later.


1. Buy-Sell

The point of this model is that you will be a reseller who is required to buy certain goods, then be given facilities by the supplier.

For example, with the existence of a membership or membership.

Usually you will get the freedom to sell products and get various discounts / special offers from suppliers.

2. Revenue Share

This reseller business model has been involved in it.

When you use this model, resellers will get a 50% share of the proceeds.

3. Warranty

With this model, suppliers will withdraw a certain amount of money from resellers to be used as collateral.

The reason this is done is to minimize supplier losses from irresponsible resellers.

If later the reseller does something deviant, then the security deposit will not return.

4. Web Replica and Web Alone

Web replica means, suppliers will provide resellers such as web repllika as a place to do promotions and sales.

If a sale occurs on the web, the reseller will get a commission.

When registering with the web replica model, usually resellers will register with the member system.

Well, if the web alone is a model where resellers manage their own selling sites so that they have freedom.

In this model, suppliers can provide many discounts for resellers.

4. How to Become a Reseller for Beginners

As a beginner in the business world, resellers are a great choice.

You can sell goods without having to worry about how they are produced.

This can certainly be your step in becoming a businessman.

So, if you want to start as a reseller, then pay attention to how to become a reseller below!

1. Use Social Media for Promotion

Currently, social media has great power, you know, as a promotional event.

Therefore, it is legally important for you to use social media as a product promotion event.

You should create a business-specific social media, so as not to mix with your personal media.

Another important thing that you should note is that social media has its own market, so make sure you provide content that is in accordance with your market.

2. Build Relationships

Not only ordinary businesses need relationships, a reseller must also be good at creating relationships.

Establish good relationships with various suppliers, that way you can also collaborate with them.

In fact, by not averse to suppliers, you can promote your online store for free, you know.

In addition, also establish relationships with your customers.

You can give promos or other special things to your most loyal customers.

That way, they are not only happy, but can also share information about your product with their friends.

3. Understand the Products You Sell

Never do you sell products that you don't know well.

It's possible that you will make a profit, but you must have a hard time running it.

The reason is that you don't know anything from the industry, it's not easy later to know how to sell the right way to consumers.

In addition, don't forget that consumers will definitely ask you about the products you sell.

No way, isn't it if you don't understand the information of the product?

It could be that if it is like that, the customer will go and move to another heart.

4. Pay Close Attention to The Division of Commissions

The name is running a business, of course, the thing to go to is profit or profit.

Well, therefore from the beginning, resellers have collaborated with suppliers, make sure well how the commission is distributed.

Everything must be clear about the communication, don't miss it and later even misinformation and then you lose money.

5. Don't Stock Up Too Much

As a reseller, you must buy or stock goods first before they are sold.

Usually suppliers will also provide conditions, how many purchases must be made, at least 1 dozen.

It should be noted that you don't need to stock too many things, because if you don't sell it, it will make you lose money.

It's a good idea to check ombal first, and do an analysis of market interest.

If you feel that the product is indeed a lot of enthusiasts, then stock up in a wise amount.

6. Choose Products that Have Great Opportunities in the Market

One of the challenges of resellers is that there are many competitors.

Looking for a more niche product, can be one way to overcome it.

But when looking for a niche product, make sure you also analyze that the market potential of the product is large.

So, even though the product you sell is not a common product for everyone and the consumers are few, but the consumer is loyal and can make repeated purchases continuously.

7. Make Sure Your Supplier is Qualified and Trusted

One of the successes of a reseller can be determined from how to choose a supplier.

In the long run, a reseller will do business cooperation with suppliers, in terms of shipping goods and so on.

Therefore, choose a quality supplier who also has a clear product.

5. Reseller Business Ideas

So, are you interested in becoming a reseller?

Now we will tell you, approximately what is the potential business idea for a reseller!

1. Credit and Data Packages

In this technological age, of course, credit and data packages are important.

Well, you can become a reseller who sells this.

The opportunity is great, you know, and you can also do this as a home business.

2. Dietary Supplements

Many people want to lose weight in different ways. One of them is to take dietary supplements.

So, dietary supplements are quite in demand in the market and can be an option for you to resell as a reseller.

But you need to note that the product you sell must be a safe product and indeed already legally registered.

3. Herbal Medicine

Nowadays, rather than drugs sold on the market, many people have already switched to natural or herbal means.

Well, you can take advantage of this phenomenon to sell herbal medicine.

In addition to the great potential, there are also not too many competitors, you know.

But then again, make sure the product you're selling is clearly legal.

Never sell products whose origins and origins are unclear.

4. Healthy Food Resellers

Indeed, food resellers are now rampant everywhere.

But if you are a healthy food reseller, there are still few competitors.

In addition, the market is also potential, especially now that many people are more aware of the importance of health.

5. Skincare and Cosmetics

Everyone, especially women, naturally wants to always look excellent.

Well, therefore skincare and cosmetics have a strong market and you as a reseller can certainly profit from this.

Moreover, now the rise of Korean skincare or makeup, you can really take this opportunity.

6. Reseller of Clothes, Shoes and Bags

Again, appearance although not everything but is important.

The reason is because the appearance can be a cover of a person.

Although we can't judge people from the outside, but there is nothing wrong with looking attractive for yourself.

Well, many people are aware of this, therefore resellers of clothes, shoes, bags and other fashion products are rampant.

Even though there are many competitors, you can compete by doing online marketing and unique promotional activities.

7. Mobile Accessories

The last reseller business idea is mobile phone accessories.

Although it sounds trivial, there are many people who like the details of accessories like this.

There's nothing wrong with selling this.

You can take advantage of social media or e-commerce.

That's a guide on how to become a reseller that you must know in order to be successful in doing it and also business ideas that can be your inspiration.

Becoming a reseller is indeed highly recommended for beginners who are just starting a business.

Later, if you are successful and know more about the loopholes in doing business, it is not impossible that you will have your own products.

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