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Definitely Profit! Here are 6 Ways to Increase Business Sales in Ramadan

The number of competitors in the business world certainly makes you have to be more creative in innovating.

The reason is, there may be many businesses like you who have a business and of course you need a special strategy to increase business sales.

If this is not the case, you cannot get customers who are willing to buy products or use your services.

If the business does not have customers, how can you make a profit?

Not to mention, it will soon enter the month of Ramadan.

You certainly need to prepare your business more carefully so that it can meet the soaring market demand.

Special Ramadan Promo

Who doesn't like promotions or discounts?

Even though in the month of Ramadan Muslims are required to fast, but believe it or not, they will usually be more consumptive, you know!

For example, when buying food for iftar, they will generally buy various types of food.

Well, you can make this excessive consumptive nature a loophole by making attractive promos that can attract the interest of your potential customers. 

For example, create a flash sale promo that requires customers to buy your product at a certain time because if the time has passed, the price will return to the normal price.

Create a Bundling Package 

For those of you who have a business with many types of products, it never hurts to try to present a combined package or bundling. 

A bundling package is basically a package in which there are various types of products and are sold simultaneously at one selling price. 

This bundling package is very effective for increasing business in the month of Ramadan for staple food entrepreneurs, you know!


Because basic necessities are the most sought after thing in the month of Ramadan, and there are many products that can be combined into one package. 

For example, packages of rice, syrup, tea and sugar. 

These four products are the most sought-after products in the month of Ramadan.

Present Ramadan Nuance Products

Entering the month of Ramadan, usually malls or supermarkets will begin to be filled with Ramadan ornaments, as well as products. 

If you pay attention, many products have redesigned their product packaging so that it has the nuances of Ramadan. 

Of course, this is a good effort considering that the product will look more prominent and follow the moment that exists at that moment. 

Therefore, you can also adapt this idea into your business.

Start a Business with the Right Plan

Never let your business run without direction if you have a goal in the future. Because, how can you realize this goal if you don't have a plan.

Let's say, before this Ramadan, you want to sell iced fruit that many buyers are targeting from year to year.

Well, the original plan you did was to offer the fruit ice to the neighbors first.

Ask them how it tastes, whether the portion is not much, whether there are other fruits that you want to add, whether the price of Rp. 15,000 is right for the iced fruit, and so on.

After knowing how the market likes, you can also sell it.

On the other hand, you can also diversify your products.

For example, you also sell cincau ice and cendol ice so that buyers have a choice of other drinks to buy.

Create Engaging Promotional Content on Social Media

To increase business sales in the month of Ramadan, you can't forget the importance of a social media presence.

Especially if your business wants to target a wider market. 

Interesting content is able to reach more customers to get to know the products being sold. For example, you are the owner of a fashion business.

Well, instead of just showing a model image with the clothes you're selling, why not create a moving or animated image?

The animation can show how to mix and match clothes with footwear or other accessories sold.

For those who sell online, you can also create a special blog and provide tips on dressing.

Thus, buyers can be more interested in buying your product.

Oh yes, don't forget to apply a marketing strategy to market your products so that you can increase business sales rapidly.

Interaction with the audience

Good communication is what happens both ways. So, it's not just you who convey the latest information about the products being sold. You also need to interact with your audience and make them happy.

Take another example. The product you sell is a pillow doll with a face caricature. Well, you can hold spam likes or spam comments contests to increase your Instagram followers, as well as increase the trust of other potential buyers in your products.

Later, you can choose one to three winners who can later get a pillow doll with the winner's face.

It can also aim to increase customer loyalty and love for your product.

Perseverance in trying is also an important factor in efforts to increase business sales in the month of Ramadan.

Therefore, don't forget to continue to be committed to advancing the business and be observant of opportunities.

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